Carmel Fireplace Inn

  • Hotel
San Carlos St. btwn 5th & 4th Ave
PO Box 5614
Carmel, CA 93921
(831) 624-4862
(831) 626-1981 (fax)

About Us

The Carmel Fireplace Inn, located on a bright and sunny corner in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, is just a short distance from the heart of downtown, shops, restaurants, and the beach. The inn has an read more
  • About

    The Carmel Fireplace Inn, located on a bright and sunny corner in Carmel-by-the-Sea, California, is just a short distance from the heart of downtown, shops, restaurants, and the beach. The inn has an abundance of charm and elegance.

    As you enter the property you will walk down a beautiful shrubbery-lined path to the tiled patio in the rear of the inn. There, on all sides of the chairs and tables is a large array of flowers, shrubbery, vines and hanging pots.

    The quietness and serenity of the surroundings is exceeded only by the uniqueness of 18 carefully designed and decorated rooms, each with its own personality and attention.

    Each and every room has its own fireplace. No two rooms are the same, and many feature king beds. The Carmel Fireplace Inn also offers free wireless Internet access. We hope to see you upon your next visit to one of the most charming cities in the world!

  • Media

  • Directions

    Directions to the Carmel Fireplace Inn can be found here;